Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Y'alls Family Reunion

And I can say that it's y'alls because I'm still not part of the family...yet.

The Second Biennial Blackwelder Reunion is
July 10th - 14th
Meeman - Shelby State Park
Memphis, TN.

Clear your calendars and plan to attend for lots of FUN & EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!

More information to follow, send RSVP's & questions to Leigh - jadamandleigh@aol.comInfo will be posted on the family website @ It is members only - apply for membership if not a current member - I can assure your acceptance!) Send Danielle Cogbill me current pictures PLEASE! (
What does "biennial" mean? It sounds like some sort of procedure....


Emily said...

Do you and Scott plan on attending this family reunion? We may consider it if you guys go...

Celeste said...


Short'NBald said...

I went last year and had a great time and I've never really been to Tennessee. I think we'll plan on it.

Anonymous said...

So...can I just say how annoying it is that I will still be in school at this point? So...all of y'all had better go and enjoy it for me.

Emily said...

Not sure thats going to happen for us that still a 13 hour drive so we will have to see!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure this comes as a huge surprise to you all, but I'm not going.