Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I know this may be a little to cheesy or sentimental for most of you but I want you to know how much I love family! It is hard to be so far away from family this is why I am so excited that we will have family here now, thats right, right here in good old Virginia. I know you are are all so jealous! No official announcement was made about Dad's new job so I figured I would fill the void, even though I am sure most of you knew this long before I did. Dad has a new job (he can fill you in on the exciting stuff, I am just glad its close by.)
We had the privilege to have him over for lunch on Sunday... ok so now your jealous! I believe if I am not mistaken Mom and Tavy should be joining us as soon as the school year is all finished up! YAY for family! YAY for built in babysitters!! If you are not jealous yet let me just outline a few highlights of having family live close by.

1. Babysitting! (I may have mentioned this one already)
2. You can see them when you want to and for as long or short and needed!
3. No expensive holiday plane tickets! (no excuse for not showing up either)
4. Built in Friends. If you are ever short of something to do on a Friday night you can always go hang out at their house so you feel like you have a social life!!!
5. Sunday Dinners (that is if Dad decides he wants to cook for us, because we don't want to break tradition and me actually cook for him... you can ask him for details!) Maybe we will just have to wait for Mom to move up here!
6. Comfort, its nice to know there is someone around you can call if something ever happens and they will be there at a moments notice.
7. Did I mention having a free babysitter?

So despite the fact that you all think I am being very sarcastic, I am not, and I am very excited about this new development. I am sure Scott and Celeste will miss them all dearly but I'm sure they will get over it eventually! I want to say welcome Dad, and soon to be Mom and Tavy, to our part of the world!

Now I know you are jealous!


Emily said...

Sorry its kind of a long post and a bit wordy!

karma said...

there is nothing like being close! glad you are happy about that!

Short'NBald said...

I'll ask you in six months if you still feel the same. :) Just kidding of course, we won't ever get tired of our family! I mean, they wait until I get ready to go out there before they high tail it out of there...oh well.

Emily said...

Well Scott can you really blame them?