First I feel like I need to say sorry to Emily for not keeping on top of this whole blogging thing...life has been busy lately so I haven't felt like I've had the time to really update with everything going on. And for the record I think it's a great idea...but I have a little bit of time right now, so I thought I'd give a really quick update with what's going on with me.
This past semester I've had the chance to be a part of Savior of the World which is a presentation of the Savior's birth and His resurrection. It's been one of the longest rehearsal schedules I've participated in and it's been stressful and really difficult at times, but it has also been one of those things that is worth it all! This week are the performances and it's so great to be able to share this with an actual audience. It's been a really incredible experience to be part of...I've learned a lot about not only acting and performing but also about the Savior. The way certain scenes are depicted it brings a really interesting new light to how I feel about the church and the Savior. Pretty much...the church is true!
Um...also...just so ya'll know...as a result of being part of this production, I met a really great guy and we started dating...which is pretty fun! I also owe a lot of my dating growth or comfort level to Emily, so thanks for all those hours talking about it with me! :) But...um...his name is Clarke. He's from Texas. He's a business major and he's really sweet. I don't know what all you want to or need to know about him...if you want pictures I think I can come up with some, but I wasn't sure...so yeah!
The semester is almost over (YAY!!!) and I can't wait. It's been a semester filled with lots of new experiences and chances to grow and learn more about everything. I've been blessed in so many ways because of where I'm at and who I've been able to surround myself with. Right now my plans are to move back home for the fall and work...I don't know where yet, but I'll figure all that out when I get there. I'm so excited about the future right now. Things have certainly been hard this semester, but I also have learned to appreciate the struggle even if I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel right away. Okay...I think that's about it for me. I hope you are all doing well! Here's just a few pictures of what I've been up to lately...hope you are all well!
I have a zillion questions about you new beau that I would LOVE to ask, but I don't want to be overbearing. I would like to see a picture - and I understand the sacrifice you would have to make to procure one since Scott and I have your camera. We keep on telling ourselves that we're going to send it to you, but we're such crappy people because we forget or find time after the post office is closed. I know...I know...shame on us....
I need to know Clark's social security number so I can do a background check. Also, where is he from? I need to check his pedigree.
Haha...you both are so funny! Celeste ask away! I will answer all the questions to the best of my knowledge...so go for it! And no worries about the camera! It was my fault for leaving it there! Haha! And you are not crappy people!!! I love you both!!! And Phillip...I don't even know his SSN so no I won't give it to you and he is from Texas...the Houston area. So have fun with that...HA!
I love the post mandy thanks for updating us it sounds and looks like you are having a ton of fun! Im glad you got the dating thing figured out, it makes life so much more fun!! Texas thats great! So you looking for jobs in Texas for your break??! So did you say how long you have been dating? And what is he studying?
Love you tons thanks again for posting!
No I have not been looking for jobs in Texas...we've been dating for about two weeks and he is a business major. Ha! You are so funny!
Ask away you say....okay!
1) What's his favourite color?
2) How old is he?
3) You said he's a business major, but has he picked a concentration (Accounting...Finance...Marketing...Admin...)?
4) What was your first date?
5) How did he ask?
6) When he first held your hand, was it cold and clamy? Scott's was, it was really gross (j/k).
7) Have you kissed? (Boys, don't read the answer to this one)
8) Extension of #5 - if yes, what does that mean? Because Scott says that it means you are boyfriend and girlfriend, but I think it means you've got boy cooties...
9) On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like him? (1 being not at all and 10 being more than you've ever liked anyone)
10) When you met him, did you like him right away, or did you have to get to know him first?
I think this is enough - for now....
Wow...you were right! A zillion questions it is! :)
1. Favorite colors are blue an green depending on his mood and the shade of color.
2. He's 24
3. His concentration I believe is accounting, but I might be wrong so I will double check that and get back to you.
4. Our frist official date was him taking me to his chorus lunch. It was a lunch the assistant director put together to reward the students for being in class when it wasn't required.
5. I'm assuming you are referring to how he asked me on the date, correct? And if so, it was during practice one night and we were talking about what our schedules are. And he pretty simply said, "What do you have going on Thursday after 1?" I told him nothing so he asked if I would be interested in going with him to the lunch.
6. He held my hand the night he asked me to be his girlfriend. That Friday night....and no it was not cold and clamy! :)
7. No we have not kissed.
8. Can you rephrase the question? I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say, "What does that mean?" Or did I misinterpret question 5? OR!!! If you meant to say in response to question #7, then because we haven't kissed, it doesn't mean anything...we are boyfriend/girlfriend...he asked me to be his girlfriend so I think it's pretty official, but I also have the benefit of NOT having boy cooties! Lol!
9. On a scale of 1-10...I'd say about an 8.
10. Um...when I first met him, I thought he was a nice guy, but I didn't like him right away because, honestly, I wasn't paying that much attention to him. I met him kind of in passing...it was one day at practice a while ago...he said something in German and it caught my attention. But for the most part, as soon as he started to make an effort with me, I liked him right away. He was just so sweet with how he went about saying hi and finding ways to be next to me...
I hope I covered everything! If you wouldn't mind clarifying those couple of things I will finish answering your fun questions...Thanks!!!
Question #8 was supposed to be an extension of question #7. See, I wrote all the questions, and then I ordered them, but obviously I forgot to proof read.
In conclusion, you answered the question. I'm excited for you because dating is fun. Plus, Phil is in DC so he's not there hovering, and the closest brother lives in Logan and I doubt he's going to hover any time soon.
Are you guys going to stay together during your upcoming break? If I remember correctly, you're going to be coming home in August and won't back to school until December/January, right?
We aren't going to stay together for the break between semesters. We are, however, driving home together. He lives in Texas so I'm going to travel with him and I'll get to meet his family. Then I'll catch a flight to Tampa from there in about a week and a half. Beyond that, yes, I'm moving home for the fall and I'll be there through December/January...most likely, anyway. There's still a few things that play into me staying in Florida or moving back to Idaho for the fall that haven't happened yet so I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing. But at the very least I'll be home for about two months.
I need to go on the record that I don't hover. I am calculatedly concerned. Mandy, I'm happy for you. We may need to discuss a few things like chorus and 24 but you're a big girl and you can handle stuff. He looks like a nice guy, but looks can be deceiving. Love you Mandy.
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