I got to go to the Washington D.C. Temple one morning before work. Traffic was worse than I expected so I was late in arriving and in leaving but I got to do initiatories and it was a great experience. I was reminded of the importance of serving. This is a picture I took right as I was leaving.
Kevin Valverde, one of my best friends, described seeing the Temple from the highway to me. He told me that as you come around a bend in the interstate you look straight ahead and see the Temple almost floating on the trees. Kevin said that it is as if you see your fantasy in the sky right before your eyes.
On the Sunday before I went to the Temple I accidentally got lost as I was coming home from church when the tank of gas was almost empty. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it home and was driving on that road. At one particular point I felt desperate and frustrated I came around that bend in the road and saw the Temple towering before my view. A peace settled in and I felt that I was on the right path and that the tank would get me back home. I did. It was amazing for me.

Later that same week, on Saturday actually, my roommates and I went to the Temple together and we got to do endowments. As I got to the Celestial room I thought of Mom and Dad and how, almost exactly 29 years ago, they were walking through that same room together. My thoughts and feelings dwelt and returned to our family several times while I was there. I thought of my mission as well and the people there. We got out rather late, so this is a picture of the Temple at night.

This is a picture of me at the Temple at night. My camera has no flash, but I still felt like I was beaming.

Well hey, I hope all of you are doing great. I love you!