So...this is just for fun! I went to Sadie Hakins last week and thought you'd at least like get a kick out of the pictures. Um...the other girl in the picture is Meagan a girl in my ward. And my date is a guy in my Book of Mormon class. Um...things are good out here in Idaho. It snowed this week (again...grrr) and school is winding down. I've got finals in a week (YAY!!!) and it's going pretty well! So yeah! That's about it. Enjoy! Hope you are all doing well! Love you all!
I want the name, social security number, and birth date of your date.
You look very cute, by the way.
I think hot was the word Phil was looking for! Looks like fun Mandy thanks for posting the pictures! Good luck with finals...
In my vocabulary, 'hot' can only be used to describe you, Emily.
No to your request Phillip...thanks to both of you...and thank goodness hot only describes Emimly to you Phillip! That would just be awkward otherwise! HA!
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