Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yay for family blogs!

HI!!! So...I don't want Emily to boycott for too much I'm going to just say hi and that school is amazing!!! It is so much fun out here in Idaho. The work load is proving to be difficult, but my classes are all wonderful! My teachers are all great and the classes are all pretty much enjoyable. So yeah! Here's just a few pictures...the snow one is the most descriptive. That's what it looks like and does what feels like 24/ anyways! Enjoy and that's about it! Love you all! Hope you are all doing wonderfully!!!

Oh...and the one of you Em...I had forgotten about it and when I saw it again it was too priceless not to post because you are a hot mama!!! Love you so much!!! Muahahaha!!!


Emily said...

Ok so I was excited that you posted but then I got to the bottom of the page... you are a bum! I love you but you are still a bum! have fun trying not to freeze up there!

Anonymous said...

Well...I know I'm a bum, but it was a great segway into your most recent post, so you'll get over it! Ha!